Rock the Block

Rock the Block is a home improvement matching grant program. It is a partnership between Habitat for Humanity and Hampton Redevelopment & Housing Authority, made possible through funding from the City of Hampton.

​The program assists homeowners, renters and landlords with their residences in targeted Hampton neighborhoods to make exterior improvements to the outside of their homes.

  • ​Rock the Block is a hand up, not a hand out!  Everyone will pay a small portion towards the work (as little as $50.00).
  • Rock the Block grant money is available to all single-family and duplex residential property owners and renters, within the identified neighborhood, regardless of income. Renters must have written permission from their landlord submitted with the application.
  • Habitat will grant up to $20,000 per house. Grants are available for short-term curb appeal projects that can be completed within 6 months.
  • Homeowner match required: 10% of grant funds provided
  • Renter/Investor match required: 50% of grant funds provided
  • ​​Applications for Rock the Block are accepted quarterly for each target area in Hampton. The application package will be available at the local Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority office, Habitat for Humanity office and online each quarter.  

Upcoming Rock the Block Neighborhood

The residence application period for Rock the Block 2024 has passed.

Canvassing is underway and you should receive information at your home about this program! Please see the map for exact location!

Didn’t receive information at your home and wondering if you are eligible for this year’s program? Click HERE to visit the online application form and see if your address meets the criteria.

To apply for this program, go HERE to fill out the online applications or DOWNLOAD the PDF version HERE.

For more information on the Rock the Block program, please contact Luis Rodriguez using or 757-913-5652.


Want to invest in the community?


We help as many families as we can, but the lack of decent and affordable housing remains a critical problem in our area. By donating, you will provide upfront funding for building materials and services that makes interest-free loans to Habitat partner families possible. Habitat partner families help to build their own homes - alongside volunteers - and pay an affordable mortgage. Your monetary donations enable us to continue building strength, stability and independence for future local families.