Home Repair Program


A Guide to Understanding Habitat’s Home Repair Programs

Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg doesn’t just build homes, it repairs them, too.

Here’s an explainer on the various repair program offered. All of Habitat’s repair programs are for exterior repairs only.

Home Repair Blitz

These are single-day exterior home repair events in specific neighborhoods. Neighborhoods are determined by individual cities and counties in Hampton, Newport News and Williamsburg. Applicants must be homeowners who are aged 65 or older or disabled or veteran or low-income and live in the selected neighborhoods. During a Home Repair Blitz, experienced construction volunteers lead a group of volunteers to complete the home repairs. Residents can call 311 in Hampton and Newport News, to “nominate” a neighborhood. All labor and materials are provided for a nominal fee, no more than $100, to eligible homeowners thanks to generous community sponsors and volunteers.

Hampton Rock the Block

In partnership with the Hampton Redevelopment & Housing Authority, Habitat’s home improvement matching grant program can provide as much as $20,000 per house for exterior, curb appeal enhancements in designated neighborhoods. Applicants who are approved through the grant program pay a small portion toward the work is no more than $2,000. Investors and renters pay no more than $10,000 total. Funds are available to all single-family and duplex residential property owners and renters in the designated neighborhood, regardless of income. Renters must have written permission from their landlord submitted with the application. Residents who live in qualifying Hampton communities each cycle can apply for the program by calling 311 to request an application or filling out an application package that is available at the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg and online at HabitatPGW.org/RockTheBlock.

Veteran Roof Project

In partnership with Habitat International, veteran homeowners with a DD214 can apply to be nominated for a new roof for free. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Eligible veteran homeowners apply through Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. Once processed, that application is submitted to Habitat International as a nomination. Habitat International is responsible for all nomination approvals and denials. Once a nomination is approved, Habitat International works with Owens Corning to find a local qualified partner contractor to complete the repair. Owens Corning donates the materials and the partner contractor donates the labor. The nomination process can take three to six months.

For additional questions about any of the repair programs offered by Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg, email abwk@habitatpgw.org or call the Repair Line at 757-427-8415.


To volunteer on a repair project, please visit our Volunteer Hub and create an account so we know your interest! We will email those volunteers who opt to receive Volunteer Alert emails via the Hub when we post the schedule. You may be emailed sooner if you are a skilled volunteer and can lead a group on a repair project.


We are also always seeking donations of funding, resources and supplies (i.e. lumber, mulch, shrubs, brushes, ladders, shirts, lunches)! If you know of a community-minded business or resident that would like to sponsor any aspect of the Blitz, then please contact Luis Rodriguez, Jr. (helper@habitatpgw.org) at 757-913-5654.


We continue to need more Team Leaders to support our community volunteers. We need your help in identifying skilled team leaders in the community to “adopt” a house during the next blitz. This is a great opportunity for skilled volunteers to lend a helping hand to homeowners in performing exterior repairs on homes.

Each home will be assigned one Team Leader, who will oversee the projects and volunteers on that home.  All Team Leaders should be skilled in carpentry, general construction and/or home repair. Team Leaders will have to commit about 5-6 hours of prep time prior to the event, and also all day at the event Saturday at his or her assigned home(s), until the project is complete.

Would you or someone you know be willing to help serve the families of this community as a Team Leader? Please contact Luis Rodriguez, Jr. (helper@habitatpgw.org) at 757-913-5654.

If you need interior repairs or renovations for your home, please use the contact information below.

  • In Hampton, please call 3-1-1 or 757-727-8311 or click here for assistance.
  • In Newport News, please call (757) 928-2657 or (757) 928-2654 for assistance.
  • In the Greater Williamsburg area, please call the Community Resource Center at 757-229-2222.
  • Other housing and support agencies can be found here.


Want to invest in the community?


We help as many families as we can, but the lack of decent and affordable housing remains a critical problem in our area. By donating, you will provide upfront funding for building materials and services that makes interest-free loans to Habitat partner families possible. Habitat partner families help to build their own homes - alongside volunteers - and pay an affordable mortgage. Your monetary donations enable us to continue building strength, stability and independence for future local families.