The Ripple Effect of Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg’s Investment in Families
The culmination of the Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg Homebuyer Program is the day a family moves into its new house after pledging to make its mortgage payments on time and cutting the ceremonial ribbon.
For anyone who has ever attended or watched a Habitat dedication ceremony, it’s easy to see the effect. New homeowners either can’t stop smiling or crying tears of joy, and most of the time, it’s a combination of both.
Habitat invests in people’s futures when it invests in housing. Habitat homeowners complete financial education programs to learn the foundational skills to set them up for success in paying back their zero-interest equivalent mortgages. The money the homebuyers save on housing is often invested in personal education, training and enrichment opportunities.
Beyond the houses it builds and families who buy them, Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg has a ripple effect that touches everyone in the local community.
“One of the most gratifying aspects of our work is that it impacts health, environmental and educational outcomes along with civic and social engagement where our families live,” said Janet V. Green, CEO of the local affiliate. “While the benefits bring stability to our Habitat families, they also help our local economy prosper.”
In its simplest form, it works like this. Habitat spends money on businesses and services, including construction materials and additional supplies. The corresponding businesses are thereby able to spend that money by paying their employees or buying more materials. Ultimately, it’s a win-win-win, as those employees, in turn, have more money to meet their household spending needs.
In 2019, Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg invested nearly $6 million in operations, construction, rehabilitation and renovation. That led to upward of $8.6 million in economic impact. That included $2.2 million in wages paid into the local economy, including nearly $93,000 in property taxes — that figure is an estimate of property taxes paid by Habitat homeowners who purchased their homes in the last 10 years. In addition, $230,311 was paid in local and state taxes.
The local Habitat generated 130 jobs and injected $1.50 into the economy for every dollar it invested.
“When we support the local economy, the entire community benefits,” Green said.
So, while donating to Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg builds strength, stability and independence for local families, it also benefits your own family, friends and neighbors.