The Legacy of President Carter

“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something… My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.” ― Jimmy Carter

Toogether we celebrate the life of President Jimmy Carter, a man who did make his life count right up until the moment he passed December 29, 2024.

He did whatever he could, wherever he could, for as long as he could.
And he did so much of it for Habitat for Humanity.

While many believe he founded Habitat for Humanity, the truth is he did something much more powerful. In the years following his presidency, when he could choose to do anything at all, he chose Habitat for Humanity. He put his name and his talents and his time behind becoming Habitat’s most prolific and famous volunteer, thus raising awareness about the need for affordable housing around the world.

In fact, he kept volunteering right up until a few years ago. President and First Lady Carter worked alongside nearly 103,000 volunteers in 14 countries to build, renovate and repair over 4,300 homes.
President Carter called his work with Habitat “a life changing experience.”

The truth is it was a life changing experience for the families and communities who benefited from the awareness and the homes he built.

His passing marks the end of an era, but his spirit and dedication to helping others live in dignity will continue to inspire future generations.

Let us all come together and, in President Carter’s memory and in honor of his legacy, continue to do whatever we can, wherever we can, whenever we can, for as long as we can.


Want to invest in the community?


We help as many families as we can, but the lack of decent and affordable housing remains a critical problem in our area. By donating, you will provide upfront funding for building materials and services that makes interest-free loans to Habitat partner families possible. Habitat partner families help to build their own homes - alongside volunteers - and pay an affordable mortgage. Your monetary donations enable us to continue building strength, stability and independence for future local families.