HII Breaks Ground for 22nd Habitat for Humanity Home Sponsored by Newport News Shipbuilding

HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division joined elected officials and community leaders on May 29, 2024 at a groundbreaking ceremony for the 22nd Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg home sponsored by the shipyard since 2002.

The groundbreaking marks the start of construction on the home, which shipyard volunteers are joining forces with Habitat for Humanity to build. In keeping with shipbuilding heritage, NNS designates a ‘sponsor’ for each home. Dave Horne, vice president of trades, is the sponsor for the 22nd home.

“Construction is construction, whether you’re building a ship or a house,” said Horne. “The tools and materials may be a little different, but the builders’ dedication and pride is the same. Our shipbuilders are proud to support our Navy sailors and we’re proud to build this home.”

Horne also recognized the family of the late Jim Cochran in attendance at the groundbreaking. Cochran, a retired shipbuilder who dedicated more than 40 years to the shipyard, was a longtime Habitat for Humanity volunteer. NNS is dedicating the build of the home to his memory.

The three-bedroom, 1,200-square-foot home will take shape in the Southeast community of Newport News, on land donated by the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

“At a time when the demand for affordable housing is greater than ever, we couldn’t be more thrilled to start construction on this home,” said Janet V. Green, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. “Through the unwavering support of Newport News Shipbuilding, we’ve changed countless lives since this partnership began.”

Latesha, a mother of five daughters who is currently working on her master’s degree, has been selected as the homebuyer by Habitat for Humanity. She will be required to maintain steady employment and good credit and provide 400 hours of “sweat equity” to help build the home. Once construction is complete, she will purchase the home from Habitat with a 30-year, no-interest mortgage, which illustrates Habitat’s objective to give families a “hand up” rather than a “hand out.” The payments will be cycled back into the community so more homes can be built for qualifying families.


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We help as many families as we can, but the lack of decent and affordable housing remains a critical problem in our area. By donating, you will provide upfront funding for building materials and services that makes interest-free loans to Habitat partner families possible. Habitat partner families help to build their own homes - alongside volunteers - and pay an affordable mortgage. Your monetary donations enable us to continue building strength, stability and independence for future local families.