Ten Ways YOU Can Celebrate National Homeownership Month
National Homeownership Month celebrates the value that owning a home brings to families, communities and neighborhoods — something we experience firsthand at Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg with every dedication of a Habitat house.
While the traditional time to mark National Home Ownership Month is June, helping families achieve the American dream is something to commemorate year-round.
What can you do?
Here are 10 ideas.
Understand the housing market where you live using the really cool National Association of Home Builders portal: nahbhousingportal.org/. The data from Virginia speaks to the rising cost of housing in the Commonwealth and the fact that nearly half of Virginians believe housing affordability is a major problem.
Sign up to volunteer on a home build with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. Don’t worry if you’re not skilled with a hammer! We will find a place for you to contribute! habitatpgw.org/volunteer/. You can also help us recruit and build a bench of contractors to support our builds. We are seeking paid or discounted services; however, in-kind services are also appreciated.
Like and follow @HabitatPGW on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the know about upcoming opportunities and events.
Email your members of Congress using this form to urge them to prioritize housing investments that increase the stock of affordable homes, spark revitalization and help low-income communities of color rebuild and prosper.
Donate to Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. Donations go toward our mission of building homes, communities and hope right here in our local community.
Explore the MANY different ways you can give to Habitat.
Shop at the ReStores in Newport News and Williamsburg. All proceeds go toward our mission, and you will find some tremendous bargains as most items are 30% to 90% off retail price.
Donate to the ReStores in Newport News and Williamsburg. You can donate a vehicle, too!
If you know a military veteran family in need of affordable housing, share information about this program.
Vow to do something regularly. Be part of the change you want to see in your community. Know that the families you help partner with Habitat to build their own homes and pay an affordable mortgage that is cycled back into the community. They are always so grateful to be on the road to stability and independence. Even the smallest thing you do makes an impact.